so totally sick and


Not new but always rad…

Ken Block Gymkhana Practice from Ken_Block on Vimeo.

a super random mix

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Ron van der Ende: thanks for blowing my mind

You must MUST check out this dude’s work.

Ron van der Ende

It’s so sick I can’t even talk about it. I’ll never do it justice.

van der ende plymouth custom suburban sculpture


The ol’ So Totally Sick and RAD theme was beginning to feel a lil bit tired, played. I needed to update some backend stuff here anyway and when I did I realized I’d have to do a crap load of work to bring the old theme up to date, or I could just design a newer more better lookage and feelage.  So I’m in the process of tearing down and remodeling the STSR site.  Thanks to Derek Punsalan from for the sleek Grid Focus theme which will serve as my new ground zero. I plan to hack the shit out of it to make it my own (sorry Derek), so expect the place to look a little bit erm…in flux over the next couple days as I tweak and twiddle trying to get things put in their place.


what resonates?

I used to struggle with stuff that was too nostalgic / sentimental (ironic because I am so much both).

The peeps at Uppercase Gallery threw this flickr set out there and it totally resonates with me.

I found an old mechanical pencil sharpener the other day – the grey cast ironish and aluminium [sic] kind that mounts on the wall and cranks – and I stole it. As soon as I saw the thing I dredged up the smell of freshly sharpened pencils from the meatlocker of my mind.

One of the most influential books I have read is The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard.   Bachelard dissects the influence of space — in particular, our childhood spaces / home — on memory, perception, and the subconscious.

It’s pretty intriguing.

Some Bachelard quotes:

One must always maintain one’s connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.

Ideas are refined and multiplied in the commerce of minds. In their splendor, images effect a very simple communion of souls.

The subconscious is ceaselessly murmuring, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears the truth.

…when we discover a nest it takes us back to our childhood or, rather, to a childhood; to the childhoods we should have had. For not many of us have been endowed by life with the full measure of its cosmic implications.

I also just read this passage from Martha Grimes’ book Foul Matter

Imagine how you’d feel if I were, say, an oncologist telling you you only had a couple of months to live. You’d be shocked out of your mind not just by death but by the realization you’d squandered a big part of your life. Think about that. It’s my theory that none of us really believes he’s going to die. We think we believe it, given all the evidence, but we really don’t. Freud said a man can’t imagine his own death. Probably, we think there’s something more due us, and maybe that’s the reason immortality is such a popular idea. What we really want is another chance, and we think we’re going to get it–hte chance to straighten out everything, to get it right.

Come back with a banger

So it’s been a while and topically, this blogger has gotten a little off track as I’ve been consumed with work and back rehab (foot rehab is coming up in about 2 weeks – YAH!).

Anyway, I thought I’d bring it back on point with this video clip from Aaron Draplin entitled “America is Fucked ……(Graphically at least)”

I guess Jess Gibson is putting together a mini-documentary about Draplin and Design.  I can’t wait.  This guy is the jam.

America Is F*cked…….(Graphically at least) from Jess Gibson on Vimeo.

love will tear us apart again and again and again….


defining so totally sick and rad

Terje gets it….this clip is pretty much the best video definition I’ve ever seen of sototallysickandrad. Terje flat out kills it. If I did that I’d probably be high for a couple weeks.



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